西安大略大学是位于加拿大安大略省伦敦的一所世界著名学府,加拿大顶尖医学博士类公立大学之一,有超过130多年的学术积累及深厚的人力资源背景,被誉为“加拿大最美丽的大学” 。它的商科最为出名,是北美案例法教育的两大发源地之一(另一个是哈佛大学),而此番田家鑫同学正是被西安大略大学商科所录取。
Dear Lynden School,
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude to the teachers who have provided me with all the support and guidance throughout the process of applying to my dream school. With your help, I finally received many admission letters! I can't express how happy and grateful I am for everything the school has done for me.
I still remember the first time I turned to the school for advice and help. You have listened to my wishes and provided me with valuable insights and feedback, which has enabled me to produce a strong application that highlights my strengths and experience. You guys helped me with my personal statement and gave me advice on how to best present myself.
Through the guidance of the school, I learned the importance of persistence, determination and hard work. I will never forget the support and motivation you gave me, especially during those moments when I was frustrated and uncertain about my chances of getting into my dream school.
Now, I have been admitted to my dream school. I am so excited and grateful for this opportunity, and I owe it all to you. Your unwavering support and trust in me has helped me achieve my dreams and I am forever grateful.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. I will cherish this achievement for the rest of my life and remember the part you played in making it happen.
Jiaxin Tian
加拿大林顿学院创建于1924年,位于加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿市,系一所北美顶级私立高中。除了经过安大略省教育部的检验许可之外,林顿学院亦通过安省私立院校联盟(IPSF) 认可,是真正受到加拿大各界认可的学校,并可给国际学生签发学生签证。